Facing Fear captures final scenes for We Need Money music video.
Continuing with the music videos for the tracks on the Marginal Metal album, the four members got together to capture the last scenes of We Need Money.
The first scenes of the music video had already been captured in São Paulo, where the participation of Adriano Conde, lead singer of Sweet Danger, is guaranteed. This past Sunday (October 9th), Dantas, John, Terry and Vall got together with the help of their friend Lucas to capture the final scenes. Some photos have already been posted on social media.
Terry Painkiller talked a bit about this music video:
"When we planned this album, it was agreed that all the songs would have music videos. We knew the challenge, but we also knew that it wouldn't do to release a well-recorded, well-produced record and not deliver it through media. However, the line between what is idealized and what can be put into practice is too wide, when you don't have the necessary for it. I'm not talking about creativity, I'm not talking about dreams. It's real money. Money!
It's very beautiful to see important people talk a lot of nonsense around to warm the hearts of fans. This is gigantic stupidity, because they only perpetuate lies, deceiving people with futile speeches to sell their products. In the end, that's all!
I don't particularly like this track, but it has become extremely important in terms of this album and our situation. We didn't have money and we don't have money for anything. When some people say that we should produce our music videos better, it seems that we do this home production on purpose, as if we don't wanna make something better. It's what we can do! So! Everything here is only done putting effort!"
There is still no forecast for the release of the video, which will enter the editing phase. Another production by Fracassos Produções, allied to Marcheti Effects.
Follow Facing Fear on social medias:
Instagram: @facingfearbr
Facebook: facebook.com/facingfearhmb
Youtube: youtube.com/c/facingfear
Tik Tok: @facingfearbr
Spotify: Facing Fear